Hello, everybody! Sorry it's taken so long since my last post. I honestly think about writing, but then another week passes. I was looking at this tonight and the kids look SO LITTLE! I decided I had to post some new pictures and let you know what we've been up to.
Like everyone else, we've been really busy, but here are the main reasons I've been absent:
- I returned to school in late May. I started with 12 credits but realized it was too much in addition to working full-time and having two busy boys. So I'm currently still taking 6 credits (online) and will be done the first week of August. I'm studying Elementary Education. The original plan was for me to go full-time to ISU in the fall (hence the 12 credits) but we scrapped that for Plan B. I will try to take part-time classes through a UNI-DMACC program instead.
- Sam turned THREE on May 28!! We had many celebrations for our biggest boy. First, G&G Edmondson brought him a new bike on Memorial Day. (And he LOVES to ride his new bike; thank you G&G E!) His actual birthday was on a Thursday so we ate doughnuts in the morning and he took cupcakes to daycare -- where they made him a special hat and sang "Happy Birthday". That night, Brian, Jake and I took him to Happy Joes to celebrate. He got to play one of his favorite games -- skeeball! He picked out -- imagine this -- a pink baseball bat with his tickets. Then we had a party in conjunction with Scandinavian Days with the rest of the family. Here is a picture of his party at our house and the cake Brian and I made for him. We had so much fun making it!! Thanks to everyone who helped to make his third birthday so memorable. He loves all his presents and can't get enough of his baseballs, bats, and bike!
- We went to Osage Beach at the end of May/first part of June. We had lots of fun with G&G Edmondson, Connie, Kirk and Lukas. Those boys were inseparable and had a blast together. And we even found an arcade with $.10 skeeball!!!!

- We bought an acreage. And I use the word 'acreage' loosely. We bought a little more than three acres of land with a house on it. And the word 'house' may or may not describe the property that sits on the land. It is going to take A LOT of work. A. LOT. We are estimating that nobody has lived there for about four years. Unless you count cats, raccoons and other varmints. We are currently assessing whether or not it's salvagable to rent out until we have the time/energy/money/etc. to bulldoze it. In the meantime it's a nice place to have a campfire. If we cut the 8-foot weeds.
- We went to Omaha last week. Brian had some work meetings, so Sam and I tagged along. Jake got to go to G&G Knoll's. It was fun to have some one-on-one time with Sammy D. He's a different boy when his little brother is not around for him to pick on. We went swimming, to the zoo, out to dinner, etc. And he got to ride on a big charter bus to and from the zoo. I think that was his favorite part! He was one tired little boy at the end of our short trip. But we are so glad we had the chance to spend some quality time with our oldest "little man". (No pictures yet since I used a disposable camera.)
- I've been interviewing for jobs. Haven't been hired yet, but hoping to land one soon. I was in the final two of a company last week, and have a phone interview this week for something that I'm pretty excited about. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
Like everyone else, we've been really busy, but here are the main reasons I've been absent:
- I returned to school in late May. I started with 12 credits but realized it was too much in addition to working full-time and having two busy boys. So I'm currently still taking 6 credits (online) and will be done the first week of August. I'm studying Elementary Education. The original plan was for me to go full-time to ISU in the fall (hence the 12 credits) but we scrapped that for Plan B. I will try to take part-time classes through a UNI-DMACC program instead.
- Sam turned THREE on May 28!! We had many celebrations for our biggest boy. First, G&G Edmondson brought him a new bike on Memorial Day. (And he LOVES to ride his new bike; thank you G&G E!) His actual birthday was on a Thursday so we ate doughnuts in the morning and he took cupcakes to daycare -- where they made him a special hat and sang "Happy Birthday". That night, Brian, Jake and I took him to Happy Joes to celebrate. He got to play one of his favorite games -- skeeball! He picked out -- imagine this -- a pink baseball bat with his tickets. Then we had a party in conjunction with Scandinavian Days with the rest of the family. Here is a picture of his party at our house and the cake Brian and I made for him. We had so much fun making it!! Thanks to everyone who helped to make his third birthday so memorable. He loves all his presents and can't get enough of his baseballs, bats, and bike!
- We bought an acreage. And I use the word 'acreage' loosely. We bought a little more than three acres of land with a house on it. And the word 'house' may or may not describe the property that sits on the land. It is going to take A LOT of work. A. LOT. We are estimating that nobody has lived there for about four years. Unless you count cats, raccoons and other varmints. We are currently assessing whether or not it's salvagable to rent out until we have the time/energy/money/etc. to bulldoze it. In the meantime it's a nice place to have a campfire. If we cut the 8-foot weeds.
- We went to Omaha last week. Brian had some work meetings, so Sam and I tagged along. Jake got to go to G&G Knoll's. It was fun to have some one-on-one time with Sammy D. He's a different boy when his little brother is not around for him to pick on. We went swimming, to the zoo, out to dinner, etc. And he got to ride on a big charter bus to and from the zoo. I think that was his favorite part! He was one tired little boy at the end of our short trip. But we are so glad we had the chance to spend some quality time with our oldest "little man". (No pictures yet since I used a disposable camera.)
- I've been interviewing for jobs. Haven't been hired yet, but hoping to land one soon. I was in the final two of a company last week, and have a phone interview this week for something that I'm pretty excited about. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
- And, last but not least, Jake started walking on Father's Day! Here's a quick video from last night:
That's about it in a nutshell. I will hopefully be able to post more frequently. I can't wait until the first week of August when school is done!! And Jake's FIRST BIRTHDAY is August 3! YEAH!!! Until then ... hope all is well with you! :)