Sunday, April 13, 2008

We Made It!

We just returned from our first official family vacation. The three of us drove to Frisco, Colo., to stay with my parents at their condo. Since we are saving money for the next little chopper, we decided to take them up on their offer to stay with them. We hadn't taken a vacation since Jan. '06 (when I was pregnant with Sam), and it was very nice of them and we had a good time. But we need to start taking vacations when I'm not pregnant! I guess that's a blog for another time.

In addition to the condo in Frisco, we also stayed with two of my aunts and their families on the way home -- one in Fort Collins, Colo., and another in Lincoln, Neb. Unfortunately, the screen on our digital camera broke while in Frisco and we didn't take very many pictures afterwards.

In Fort Collins, we watched part of Aunt Mary's softball game before it was postponed due to inclement weather. It was kind of a blessing in disguise because we were then able to go out for dinner and spend more time with Mary and Cris. And in Lincoln, we watched our nephew while Aunt Connie had her basketball banquet. Then we had a great Chef Kirk breakfast and played before we took off the next morning.

Most of these pictures were taken before our camera bit the dust:

This was taken a few hours after arriving in Colorado. We were scoping out the slopes at Keystone for Dad and Brian's skiing adventure the next day. We had just driven 12 hours straight with an almost-two-year-old, and were pretty exhausted. Did I say 12 hours in the car? With a two-year-old.

Dad and Brian are getting ready to go skiing. Sam had to sneak into the picture, too!

Mom and I took Sam on a walk through Frisco while the guys were skiing.

Sam decided that he loved swimming. This was the first time he wasn't scared of the water.

We took Sam on his first bus ride! He loved watching all the people -- and dogs -- get on and off the bus. Everyone in Frisco had a dog or a pair of skis. Or both.

Brian and I took off one day to explore while Mom and Dad watched Sam. We drove through Loveland Pass.

Our camera was broken by this day, but the luckily the pictures still turned out.

Another pic from Loveland Pass.

And here is our lovely drive to Lincoln, Neb. A 7-hour trip turned into 8.5 hours due to the poor conditions on I-76 and I-80.

Brian drove the entire way to Lincoln. Bless his heart.

I was trying to take this pic with a broken camera ... I wanted to show that we were going 30 MPH on the interstate. It was not fun.

But we made it home with lots of great memories and were able to spend some time with family. Thanks to everyone who let us stay at their places. We had a great time.


Leana said...

30 mph is fast on the freeways in Los Angeles.

Boy do I not miss that snow though...

I drove from LA to San Fran with a four year old. Two words- not fun.

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Kate said...

I would just like to say I am in love with the pic of Sam feeding the metal bear or whatever that is. Also, the bus ride pic of him and your mom. So cute!