Monday, November 3, 2008

Three Months Old!

I can't believe how fast time has flown with Jake! He turned three months old today. It seems we were able to savor Sam's little moments a bit more than we can with Jake. (Funny how you lose track of time when you have two of them!!) He's growing so fast -- too fast. Here is a video taken today in which he's almost rolling from back to front! I'm excited to see all his changes, yet it makes me a little sad that he's getting so big so quick.


Dreams and Designs said...

Soooo cute!!! I worry about that with having two also. It seems unfair to the 2nd. :( But such is life! Live the new layout too!!

Amy said...

So you're still hanging in there, I see ...

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! So cute! I love how you tell him he is not supposed to be doing that yet. If you think time is going fast now, wait until the 3rd! That is why I take pictures everyday and still feel like I am missing it! Savanah is 5 months old and almost sitting up by herself.

Dreams and Designs said...

Those little toothless grins are so priceless!