Sunday, February 3, 2008

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na ... BAT MAN!

Yesterday, Matt (Brian's cousin) came over so we could work on the newsletter for the annual Knoll Family Reunion (aka "KFR"). KFR is a wonderful tradition and will be celebrating 28 consecutive years this March. Although there are 60+ members of the family, it is so neat to see and experience the closeness of such a loving family. And KFR is one reason why.

Each year, a newsletter accompanies the reunion, and Matt, Brian and I (and now Matt's wife, Andrea!) have put together the past seven. It is always so much fun to hear Matt and Brian reminisce -- and it seems their stories get better with each beer. (If you have ever read "The Onion", that is very close to their version of a family newsletter.)

Anyway, as per tradition, they were putting away a few beers while I was typing up their drunken scriblings. All of a sudden I heard some sort of commotion coming from the dining room so I went to check it out. Turns out we had a bat in the basement! This is our very first rodent of any kind and it completely freaked me out. Since I was the only sober one, I went back to the other room and decided to let them figure it out!

And of course I tried to take pictures without letting the bat inside the main part of the house. They got the darn thing after a few minutes but not without Matt injuring his hand. To which he replied, "It probably would've been a lot funnier if we were drunker."

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