Friday, April 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged, Again

I've been tagged by my friend Vicki. I'm supposed to tell you 10 random things about myself, and then tag 5 friends afterwards. I'll be anxious to see how many of you knew these things about me, or if they're all a surprise.

1. I make lists. Constantly. Right now I think I have at least 3 -- one for work, one for home and another for our trip to Colorado. Oh, and one for songs I want to add to my MP3 player. And another for "boy names". And one more for the grocery store. I think that might be all, but I'm not sure. I would be lost and/or very disorganized without one. Sometimes I write something that I have just done on my list, even though it wasn't on my list, so I can cross it off. Did someone say OCD?

2. I was the only grandchild (on my mom's side) for almost 19 years. This allowed me to become extremely close to my grandparents. They have been the number one influence in my life. I try to live everyday by "how would my grandma do this" or "what would my grandma think about this". I truly value the advice and wisdom of my grandparents, and consider my grandma to be one of my best friends.

3. I love the smell of a clean garage. Not the oily or greasy smells, but the clean smell of dirt. I know it makes no sense but I absolutely LOVE the smell. And it's not just a pregnancy thing. I've been this way my whole life. (Right, Amy P.?) And I love the smell of dirt. Driving past a freshly plowed field is like heaven!

4. I do not like to take baths. I don't think I'm patient enough to sit still that long.

5. I absolutely love "funk" music from the 70s.

6. I used to play the piano and would like to take it up again. Maybe when the kids are older??

7. I must watch the local news and read the newspaper everyday. I feel lost if I haven't done so. And I read the paper cover-to-cover, including one of my favorite sections, the obits. Is that morbid?

8. I have never had a bloody nose. And I have never broken any bones. Knock on wood.

9. I cry ridiculously easily. Cards, commercials, seeing anyone else cry, etc. I get teary-eyed during the national anthem. And parades, too, when people stand for the flag.

10. If I were to change careers, I would've become a news reporter and then hopefully an anchor. I started off with that goal in college, but got sidetracked by working in the athletic department. I loved my experience there, but I wish I would've pursued the electronic media track a little more.

Ok, that wasn't so bad!! Did you learn anything about me? Well, I'm hoping to learn a little more about these that I'm passing the tag onto: Kate, Leana and Rhonda. Have fun girls!


Anonymous said...

Your a stinker! When did you find out you are having a boy? Congrats! It's only right that you have 2 boys then a girl, especially because Savanah will need someone to crush on while she's growing up. Will it be Sam or the new boy? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

I learned a lot about you! When and where are you headed to in Colorado? Glad one of us is headed back to the wonderful land to visit. Hope you are all doing well and feeling good. Take care.

Sheboygan! (Heather)

Kate said...

I finally did this. Sorry for the delinquency. I have no excuse.

P.S. I can totally relate to the clean garage thing!