Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fun In the Sun

Last weekend was a pretty hot one, so we were finally able to break out Sam's pool! He had so much fun putting ALL of his balls and water toys in the pool, then taking them all out -- one by one -- then putting them back in, etc., etc. If I would've known this would keep him busy for so long, I would've set it up a long time ago! :-)

We also went to the local berry patch to pick strawberries. It was funny watching him pick berries and "sample" a few along the way. He'd take a big bite out of one, then throw it back in the pail to take home with us. As I was cleaning them later, I came across five or six with teeth marks in them. It made me smile each time I found one.

Sam also realized that he likes to wear his "shades" when it's sunny outside.

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